The Banking & Finance Attorneys: the premier portal to recommended banking & finance lawyers, practice area news and legal insights:

Skilled banking and finance lawyers deal with the lending and borrowing of money, and the management of financial liabilities. Their task is to help structure their clients’ transactions, to protect their clients’ best legal and commercial interests, and to negotiate and document the contractual relationship between lenders and borrowers. It’s a hugely technical and ever-evolving area of law.

Each year we select just one leading finance & banking attorney in each state to appear in the directory. Our in-depth nomination, research and selection process is completely independent.

Every March, more than 80,000 nomination forms are distributed to business directors, in-house counsel and lawyers operating in the finance sector nationwide. A shortlist for each state is formed based on the results of the nominations and our own independent research. The team then asses the shortlisted lawyers based on 8 key performance indicators, before a final selection is made for each state.

To assist potential clients, we provide a detailed profile of each lawyer in the guide, highlighting their expertise and experience, an overview of their firm, its banking & finance practice and full contact information.

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Latest News & Legal Insights

Understanding The Increasing Use Of Holdco NAV Loan Structures

While the market for NAV financings—loans to funds supported by the net asset value of their portfolios—grew in 2023 and continues to rapidly evolve, a consensus has developed around what is sometimes referred to as a “Holdco Structure.”

The Holdco Structure is an approach used by a variety of borrowers and lenders across asset classes largely because it can address issues that repeatedly arise when negotiating and structuring NAV facilities. In Holdco Structures, the funds […]